Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Look mom, I've lost weight!

And yet more photos, mainly for the sake of taking up what was formerly black space...

A big hug for Rajesh, who is either camera shy or comatose

Top: Manesh (Muh-neese), Rohan
Middle:The Bear, Porkash (Pork-oss)
Bottom: Ishor (Eee-sore), Dinesh (Dee-ness), Nabin, Lokendra

Rina and her husband Santosh,
posing while I ignorantly sort through shooting modes

Birendra, doing his impression of Mos Def
(Jason doesn't see it, but c'mon, the resemblance is there)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Pics. I am glad you posted them.