Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Bear Crumbles Under Pressure

Due to the frequent demands of many a visitor to my blog, Gennie Davis in particular, I have indeed caved in and purchased a digital camera: the HP IXUS 65 to be exact. So for those of you who have continually addressed a desire to see what Nepal, and my emergent jawline, look like, I'll just be expecting a sizable donation of financial support in the near future. Or a nice email telling me how r0x0r5 I am.

You have my sincerest apology for the lack of photos over the last month. I "accidentally" packed my digital camera and left it in a box in storage befure leaving the States, electing to let Jason be my cub reporter/photographer for the duration of our international journey (get it? I'm the bear. Jason's the "cub? Get it? No, you suck). I'd be the mouth, and Jason would be the eyes. However, despite my totally 1337 writing skills (and complete lack of bias or journalistic integrity), sheer flair with language pales in comparison to visual stimuli. Or some such. Add to that Jason's camera being stolen by a former CWC orphan, and the posting of photos becomes an impossibility. Thus, we both purchased cameras just to err on the safe side; well, and I really wanted a nice one. In all honesty though, Jason, being the better bargainer given his past travels in Russia, probably got a better deal. Bah...

So coming in the very near future: photos, photos, and even longer, wordier posts. That's right. If I must be forced to empty my checking account for the sake of your living vicariously through my traipsing halfway across the world (how many verbs was that in one sentence), then I'm gonna make you pay for it with your lunch break. Imagine your own maniacal laughter here, as my throat hurts from tuk-tuk exhaust too much to provide sound effects at the moment. If my wordiness and prolonged Eggers-ian sentence structure was difficult to keep pace with before, then you best get yourself some Xanex. I'm going James Joyce from here on out: we're talking epic status, if in fact a visit to the Patan hospital for hepatitis innoculations can be described as such. Plan on seeing consistent and constant use of my favorite piece of punctuation, the ellipsis, in the near future...

Enjoy your respective mornings, afternoons, teatimes. I miss you all, but our separation is a pleasant one, in the eternal perspective. No Maoist attacks yet, but I doubt they've forgotten us, even though calendars are in short supply in their little forest shanties. Continue praying brothers, sisters, and assorted household pets. Bear out.


taylorius said...

if by making your posts longer you meant posting them twice then you're just silly. well, you're silly anyways; so moo oo oo ooah ah ah (goff laugh - arching back, bobbing adam's apple...looking through a window).

prayin hard for yall.

Virginia said...

hey brother,

been reading your blog and keeping up with your stories! Andrew and I are thinking of you and asking for your safety. keep writing, you are definitely keeping my lunch breaks entertaining!


Anonymous said...

I am glad you got a camera I want to see pictures of these orphans you keep talking about. Knowing your penchance for exageration they are probably a bunch of drunk old men at the equivalent of the Nepali VFW. I am praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Hey man, i just found your blog and wanted to tell you that i love you -jwill

*g* said...

can sarcasm flow in harmony with righteousness?

my kids comm. group is writing Jomi letters tonight...